On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast, we’re talking about building a values-based business with my guests Meg and Patrick McElwee.

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Road to California quilt show
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Goimagine marketplace
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Whether you’re just beginning to set up your small business or are already established in the crafting industry, it never hurts to imagine, “what if?” What if someone takes a tumble on an icy sidewalk outside your shop? What if you sell a sewing machine that turns out to have an electrical fault? What if a massive hurricane brings floodwaters to your shop? Luckily, you can be your own risk manager and prepare for a great many of these “what ifs” by purchasing insurance for your business.

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On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast, we’re talking about building a group of craft brands with my guests Mark Hyland and Ursula Morgan.

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